Plan International Ethiopia New Vacancy


Position 1: Accountability to the Affected People (AAP) Coordinator

Develop and strengthen accountability system:

Establish a system, oversee and maintain mechanisms to ensure accountability to the people we serve, to donor and stakeholders.

Support PIE and partners design and implement monitoring and evaluation system that strengthen quality and accountability.

Establishing a sustainable Complaints Response Mechanism (CRM) in each site which ensures all beneficiaries can make confidential complaints and be confident in response processes.

Establish a system to track and analyze trends on feedback and response to regularly improve programming.

Capacity development

Building capacity of all staff, partners and project participants as appropriate in MPP with special emphasis on accountability standards.

Support project/emergency response integrates the accountability system (feedback and response mechanism, information provision mechanism, and community participation) through the project life cycle.

Support the application of accountability into project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and partnership agreements.

Monitoring, evaluation Learning, and knowledge management

Support that target communities priorities are identified, and use inputs of communities to shape program design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation process.

Support that project design process and overall accountability system incorporate elements of PIE Ethiopia framework.

Monitor and report elements of the accountability mechanism particularly progress related to the feedback system, information sharing, and participation.

Organize learning events with a focus on learning from accountability and application of PIE accountability framework.

Gender and protection issues

Ensure that gender and protection issues are well considered in developing and the CP accountability system, and application of PIE Ethiopia framework. More specifically works that the overall accountability mechanism in the agency particularly complaint and response system address gender issues including the incidence of abuse and exploitation.

Ensure that accountability data collection tools, checklist and reporting templets collect sex disaggregated data useful for decision making.

Ensure that both male and female are fairly represented in complaint handling process (mainly complaint committees), training and monitoring process.

Work with MEAL unit and Country Program

Support PIE’ work in Ethiopia by undertaking other tasks as appropriate and required.

Safeguarding Children and Young People (Safeguarding) and Gender Equality and Inclusion (GEI)

Understands and puts into practice the responsibilities under Safeguarding and GEI policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), ensuring that concerns are reported and managed in accordance with the appropriate procedures.

Ensures that all staff signed safeguarding policies;

Implement Plan International’s global policies for Safeguarding Children and Young People and Gender Equality and Inclusion are fully embedded in day to day work.

Plan International’s Values in Practice

We are open and accountable

We create a climate of trust inside and outside the organisation by being open, honest and transparent. We hold ourselves and others to account for the decisions we make and for our impact on others, while doing what we say we will do.

We strive for lasting impact

We strive to achieve significant and lasting impact on the lives of children and young people, and to secure equality for girls. We challenge ourselves to be bold, courageous, responsive, focused and innovative.

We work well together

We succeed by working effectively with others, inside and outside the organisation, including our sponsors and donors. We actively support our colleagues, helping them to achieve their goals. We come together to create and implement solutions in our teams, across Plan International, with children, girls, young people, communities and our partners.

We are inclusive and empowering

We respect all people, appreciate differences and challenge inequality in our programmes and our workplace. We support children, girls and young people to increase their confidence and to change their own lives. We empower our staff to give their best and develop their potential.

Job Requirements:

Qualifications/ experience essential:

MA/MSC or BA/BSC Degree in social work, social science or related field of study

at least 5+ years of relevant experience out of which 3 year 3 years on a senior level experience

Experience in accountability to the beneficiary, donors and other stakeholders.

Experience in monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning.

Experience in establishing and management of feedback and response system, information sharing etc.

Experience using MS Windows and MS Office packages (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint) and other applications like SAP.

How To Apply:

The closing date for the application in April 30,2023. Qualified candidates should submit the application form found with this link

through Apply here

This position is only open to Ethiopian Nationals, who must be eligible to live and work in Ethiopia.

More information about Plan International can be found on

References will be taken and background and anti-terrorism checks will be carried out in conformity with Plans Child Protection Policy. Plan operates an equal opportunities policy and actively encourages diversity, welcoming applications from all persons meeting the skills and experience required.

As an international child centered community development organization, Plan International is fully committed to promoting the realization of children’s rights including their right to protection from violence and abuse. That means we have particular responsibilities to children that we come into contact with.

Plan International believes that in a world where children face so many threats of harm, it is our duty to ensure that we as an organization, do everything we can to keep children safe. We must not contribute in any way to harming or placing children at risk.

Female applicants are highly encouraged to apply.



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